Making a majestic entry with a bang as Malar Teacher in the Malayalam movie Premam Tamil actress Sai Pallavi has a huge fan following after the film. Here Sai Pallavi reveals the secret as to why she had turned down the offer to act in Fairness cream advt . My world is very small and limited to my parents, sister Pooja and a few friends. My sister is very crazy of burgers. We wanted her to get rid of this habit somehow . She had an inferiority complex that she is not as fair as I am. She used to repeatedly say this when both of us looked at the mirror simultaneously. Sai Pallavi Latest Interview So now I used a strategy..I told her that if she stopped eating burgers and switched over to eating vegetables and fruits she would get my fair complexion. My words were bible to my sister and she followed my advice sincerely to the core.Even though she did not like fruits and vegetables she ate them without complaining with the soul purpose of becoming fair. This hurt me badly when...
Director Selvaraghavan overview about NGK We expected Tamil director Selvaraghavan to have a four day old beard but he was clean shaved and appeared very very fresh.Having just completed Suriyas NGK , henow lives in the 9 th floor in this hot summer. Consuming the cold butter milk offered to us we comenced the interview Question _ Is NGK a real life story? Selvaraghavan _ No. not at all. Its the story of an ordinary man who enters politics and the developments thereafter. My perceptions have been visually captured in NGK Que_ Will the recent political developments be a part of the film too?